

Text written by Alena Alexandrova, June 2023

Images are never still, they travel between different media and change in the acts of their articulation on the surface of a painting, in film, or a literary text. Tijmen Steenvoorden's painting practice focuses on the metamorphic nature of mental images memories, dreams, imagination. They are in a constant flux, and the gesture of continuous painting comes closest to reflecting their mobile, oscillating, cloudlike quality. Paintings are usually considered finished when they arrive at one form, or a constellation of forms, and are fixed in one state, which is considered final. It is impossible to capture a dream, one can write it down, or paint it, but at the moment it is fixed in a medium or signification, it eludes us. Memories are not records. They can be an anchor point, but one that is always in motion. To picture them, to paint them, to translate them, means to render visual their process, and not only their image. It means filling gaps, layering and creating palimpsest textures, and letting surfaces melt into transparency. Overpainting on a single surface defines the image not as stable, still, or finished, but as open, and as mirroring the dynamic nature of memories. Rooms, faces, cities tremble and oscillate in the space opened between imagination and the hand, the brush, and the flow of paint.


2023 - Galerij Intussen
2023 - BA Fine Arst graduation show
Gerrit Rietveld Academie
2023 - Sometimes I Think I’m Thinking but I’m Actually Thinking of Thinking
Group residency at M4gastatelier
2022 - As if they know
Group exhibition at, Where site lost the plot Amsterdam NL
2020 - Stranded still searching
Installation with Shai Datauker

2019 - 2023 Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art and Design Gerrit Rietveld Academie
2021 - 2022 Exchange program, Chelsea College of Art & Design (London)
2016 - 2018 Grafisch Lyceum Rotterdam ART&DESIGN
2018 - 2018 Preparatory Courses XXL at Willem de Kooning Academie

2019 Atelier van Wenzel en van de Geer
2018 Studio Renate Boere

Artist studio visits
Koen Taselaar
Erik van Lieshout
Olphaert den Otter
Geert Mul
Carla Klein
Simon Wald-Lasowski
Katja Novitskova